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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 21 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

The Characteristics of the Chinese Peasant Painting

Xiao Xiao
Price: 50 руб.
 Chinese peasant painting is a unique cultural phenomenon in the history of world culture and art of the 20-th century. It holds an important position in the Chinese culture and art of that period of time and constitutes one of the symbols of a new era of the fi ne arts of China and its historical achievements.
Keywords: visual features, speci fi cs of coloring, Chinese painting,
peasant painting.
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izd-vo, 2004. (Na kitayskom yazyke.)
5. Zhan Daoi. Teoriya sozdaniya iskusstva. Fuchzhou: Futszyan’skoe izd-vo
iskusstva, 2000. (Na kitayskom yazyke.)
6. Zhen Thu You. Esteticheskie pokazateli v krest’yanskoy zhivopisi rayona Tszinshan’ // Nauchnyi zhurnal pedagogicheskogo instituta g. Khanchzhou. Khanchzhou:
Izd-vo «Sotsial’nye nauki», 2006.
7. Yang Xianran, Yang Yang. Mestnoe iskusstvo Kitaya. Pekin: Novyi Mir. Press,
1989. (Na kitayskom yazyke.)
Price: 50 рублей
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