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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 21 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

The Stage Production of «Ekaterina Ivanovna» by L. N. Andreyev at the Moscow Art Theatre

E. V. Bulysheva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article reviews the history of staging L. N. Andreyev’s play “Ekaterina Ivanovna” by V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater in the context of creative interaction between the director and the playwright. On the basis of the research of printed media publications and the correspondence between Leonid Andreev and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, the author explores the rehearsal process and interprets the play in the context of the artistic evolution of the theater.
Keywords: L. N. Andreyev, V. I. NemirovichDanchenko, Moscow Art Theater, play, stage
1. Andreyev A. O Leonide Andreyeve // Leonid Andreyev: materialy i issledovaniya.
M., 2012. Vyp. 2. S. 65–106.
2. Andreyev L. N. Dva pis'ma k Vl. I. Nemirovichu-Danchenko // Teatr i
dramaturgiya. 1934. № 3.
3. Andreyev L. N. Pis'ma k Vl. I. Nemirovichu-Danchenko i K. S. Stanislavskomu //
Voprosy teatra. M., 1965. S. 275–301.
4. Andreyev L. N. Pis'ma k Vl. I. Nemirovichu-Danchenko i K. S. Stanislavskomu
(1913–1917) // Uchen. zap. Tart. gos. un-ta. Vyp. 266. Trudy po russkoy i slavyanskoy
fi lologii. XVIII. Literaturovedenie. Tartu, 1971. S. 231–312.
5. Glagol' S. «Ekaterina Ivanovna» i «Professor Storitsyn» Leonida Andreyeva //
Maski. 1913. № 3. S. 48–58.
6. Gurevich L. «Ekaterina Ivanovna» v Khudozhestvennom teatre // Russkaya molva.
SPb., 1913. 18 apr. (№ 125).
7. Markov P. A. O teatre: v 4 t. M., 1974. T. 2.
8. Nemirovich-Danchenko Vl. I. Teatral'noe nasledie: v 2 t. M., 1952. T. 1.
9. Nemirovich-Danchenko Vl. I. Tvorcheskoe nasledie: v 4 t. M. 2003. T. 2.
10. Nemirovich-Danchenko Vl. I. Iz proshlogo. M., 2003.
11. Stepun F. «Ekaterina Ivanovna» L. Andreyeva na stsene Khudozhestvennogo
teatra // Severnye zapiski. SPb., 1913. № 2. S. 124–131.
12. Yablonovskiy S. Teatr i muzyka. «Ekaterina Ivanovna» // Russkoe slovo. M.,
1912. 19 dek.
Price: 50 рублей
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