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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 21 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

“Glorious in Peace and War”: the Commemorative Medals of the Empress Anna Ioannovna

A. N. Alekseev
Price: 50 руб.
 The reign of Anna Ioannovna left very few artefacts of medal art. However, despite their small numbers, commemorative medals as historical sources allow us to understand the way that the offi cial art was building an image of the Empress, a legitimate autocratrix
and a victorious warrioress, who had surpassed even Peter the Great. Empress Anna Ioannovna was likened to“Minerva” surrounded by the attributes of art and science. The article discusses the ideological meanings of the medal stories. The data about the
circulation of some commemorative medals of the time of Empress Anna Ioannovna is also introduced for the fi rst time.
Keywords: ideology, historical source, Empress Anna Ioannovna, medal art, commemorative medal.
1. Anisimov E. V. Rossiya bez Petra: 1725–1740. SPb.: Lenizdat, 1994.
2. Anisimov E. V. Zhenshchiny na rossiyskom prestole. SPb.: Norint, 1998.
3. Zapiski Yakoba Shtelina ob izyashchnykh iskusstvakh v Rossii. M.: Iskusstvo,
1990. T. I.
4. Pavlenko N. I. Anna Ioannovna. Nemtsy pri dvore. M.: Ast-press kniga, 2002.
5. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyi istoricheskiy arkhiv (RGIA). F. 37. Op. 23. D. 275.
6. RGIA. F. 473. Op. 1. D. 158.
7. RGIA. F. 1329. Op. 2. D. 85.
8. Sbornik ukazov po monetnomu i medal’yernomu delu v Rossii pomeshchennykh v
polnom sobranii zakonov s 1649 po 1881 g. sostavleno M. Demmeni. SPb., 1887. Vyp. I.
9. Smirnov V. P. Opisanie russkikh medaley. SPb., 1908.
Price: 50 рублей
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