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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 21 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

The Unful fi lled Desire of the Little Man: Mikhail Zoshchenko’s “The Goat” and the Question of the Gogolian Tradition

P. V. Lysakov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article discusses Mikhail Zoshchenko’s story “The Goat” in connection with the theme of the little man and the tradition of Nikolai Gogol’s Petersburg Tales, in particular, “The Overcoat”. The use of Gogolian motifs and devices is traced and the conclusion is made that while Zoshchenko is aware of Gogol’s legacy, he utilizes it to his own ends and in many ways develops the technique of his “teacher”.
Keywords: Zoshchenko, Gogol, Petersburg Tales, the little man, desire.

1. Bitsilli P. Zoshchenko i Gogol’ // Litso i maska Mikhaila Zoshchenko. M.: OlimpPPP, 1994. S. 179–183.
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6. Mann Yu. V. Poetika Gogolya. Variatsii k teme. M.: Coda, 1996. 474 s.
7. Moldavskiy Dm. O fol’klorizme N. V. Gogolya. Predpolozhenie ob imeni «Viy» //
Tovarishch smekh. L.: Lenizdat, 1981. S. 143–153.
8. Sinyavskiy A. Mify Mikhaila Zoshchenko // Litso i maska Mikhaila Zoshchenko.
M.: Olimp-PPP, 1994. S. 238–253.
9. Popkin C. The Pragmatics of Insigni fi cance: Chekhov, Zoshchenko, Gogol. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993.
10. Wyman A. Gogol’s Urban Labirynth // Poetics. Self. Place: Essays in Honor
of Anna Lisa Crone / еd. by Catherine O’Neil, Nicole Boudreau and Sarah Krive.
Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 2007. Р. 737–762.
Price: 50 рублей
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