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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 21 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016


A. A. Kukanov
Price: 50 руб.
 The problem of studying the mental characteristics of parents of children with various
deviations in development in recent years is becoming increasingly important. At the
same time, the works devoted to the topic do not focus on the existential components
of the psyche. The article presents the results of the study on the characteristics of the
value-motivational sphere of mothers having preschool children with autism. The author
reveals specifi personal values, characteristic of them in the current life situation.
Key words: autism, preschool children, mothers of children with autism, personal values,
internal conflcts.
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2. Karandashev V. N.  Metodika Shvartsa dlya izucheniya tsennostey lichnosti: kontseptsiya i metodicheskoe rukovodstvo. SPb.: Rech’, 2004. 71 s.
3. Kudlenok V. E. Ne takoy kak vse! Kak prinyat’ svoego rebenka // Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya. 2014. T. 12. № 1. S. 49–53.
4. Levchenko I. Yu., Tkacheva V. V. Psikhologicheskaya pomoshch’ sem’ye, vospityvayushchey rebenka s otkloneniyami v razvitii: metodicheskoe posobie. M.: Prosveshchenie, 2008.
5. Seligman M., Darling R. Obychnye sem’i, osobye deti. M.: Terevinf, 2013.
6. Fantalova E. B. Diagnostika i psikhoterapiya vnutrennego konflkta. Samara: Izd. dom BAKhRAKh-M, 2001. 128 s.
7. Fantalova E. B. Tsennosti i vnutrennie konflkty: teoriya, metodologiya, diagnostika. Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH&Co.KG, 2012. 192 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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