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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 21 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016


E. I. Nikolaeva, A. Y. Sorokina
Price: 50 руб.
 The aim of this work was to study the inflence of the unemployed status of a parent
on the emotional state of a teenager. 78 people (39 mothers 33–45 years old and 39
their children 13–16 years old) were participants. They were divided into two groups
in accordance with the time of registration as unemployed: families being registered
for up to 1 year and families being registered for more than 1 year. It is shown that with
the increasing length of staying in the unemployed status, the level of acceptance of
others and self-acceptance is decreasing. The level of frustration increases dramatically
immediately after getting the unemployed status, and gradually declines during the
year. The highest level of anxiety is observed in parents immediately after receiving the
unemployed status, and in children it increases during the year after this moment. The
level of depression in children increases with the extension of the parents’ unemployment
Key words: unemployed parent, teenager, anxiety, depression.
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Price: 50 рублей
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