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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №19 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2016

The Eye-Tracking Study of Effects of the Stylisation Level in Pictorial Charts

V. V. Laptev, P. A. Orlov
Price: 50 руб.
 The pictorial charts, with symbols as counter values, are widely used in infographics. The researches on the effect of the stylisation level in visualisation on the effectiveness of the infographics have been inconclusive so far. The given paper considers the infl uence of the stylisation level (or a stylization degree relative to the realism) on the pictorial chart effectiveness. The investigation was carried out on four levels of realism: using abstract geometry, pictographic images, fi gures and photos. The results of our eye-tracking study
show that the information graphics based on every of the four levels of stylisation could be used with the same degree of effectiveness. It was found to have no effect on both task solving duration and performance. We discovered that the eye-movement patterns were not affected by the stylisation levels. Instead, it was determined that the composition of visualised elements (design of visualisation) had a great infl uence on eye patterns.
Keywords: infographics, data visualization, eye-track, stylisation, pictorial charts.
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Price: 50 рублей
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