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"The Scientific Opinion" №8-9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016


T. O. Novikova
Price: 50 руб.
 The phenomenon of parenthood is analysed in the article. Parenthood is understood
not as a concrete social role but as a certain way of being. The choice of parenthood
means an existential decision. The birth of a child doesn’t only mean the increase of
responsibility and the change of personal priorities, but this choice is a different way of
Self-acceptance. Parenthood as a certain culture and a specifi system of relations is a
space of co-being of an adult and a child. In this co-being the adult meets the Otherness
of him/her Self and learns to be this Self.
Key words: parenthood, co-being, culture of parenting, childfree.
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Price: 50 рублей
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