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"The Scientific Opinion" №8-9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016


N. B. Brilenok
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper investigates basic philosophical and moral concepts about a healthy lifestyle.
It is shown that these basics have roots in the fundamental principles of ancient oriental
and monotheistic religions and in antique philosophical systems. The main basics of
a healthy lifestyle are the concepts of the unity of man and the universe and of the
synergy of the spiritual and corporeal in a human being. The ancient understanding of
“kalokagathia” – the unification of the true, good and beautiful expressed in the harmony
of health and beauty – can be considered as an apex of these concepts. It is shown that
since the ancient times a healthy lifestyle is comprehended as a valuable, a conscious
benefit, a rational activity. The undertaken analysis allows us to define a healthy lifestyle
as a social practice impossible beyond the healthy nature and healthy society.
Key words: health, healthy lifestyle, spirituality, corporeality, synergy, kalokagathia.
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Price: 50 рублей
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