Ye. T. Yerzhanov, R. Kh. Shaimardanov
Price: 50 руб.
In the process of forming of the intellectual labour culture by means of critical thinking one can observe the creation of new knowledge, products, ideas, means, methods and techniques for transformation of intellectual activity, work, labour, their progressive positive change and perfection. The culture of intellectual labour, leaning against critical thinking, becomes a product of co-operation of a future specialist and the environment, an answer to the challenge of the new technogenic conditions of living. Both in the domestic and western science there is no single understanding of the content of critical thinking as a basis of forming of a professional’s intellectual labour culture, there are no researches on the intellectual labour culture by means of critical thinking. Therefore, the paper specifies the content of critical thinking, defines its properties and functions, and compares the philosophical and pedagogical approaches to the content of critical thinking in order to determine it as a basis of forming of the intellectual labour culture.
Key words: intellectual labour, critical thinking, process of forming of the intellectual
labour culture, focus of critical thinking.