A. Yu. Baiborodov
Price: 50 руб.
The article considers the problem of death in the light of the existential and
anthropological approach. The approach developed by the author is based upon the
concepts of N. Abbagnano, M. Heidegger, J.-P. Sartre. Death appears to be an opportunity
of negation of the unique coexistential experience. Besides, in the light of the concept
in question, specific intercourse with death becomes possible. Death is experienced as a
special quasi-subject, “articulating” itself through the demise of the Other and sending
a specific sign. The subjects’ choice of an “authentic” opportunity of coexistence is a
response formulated against the negation opportunity.
Key words: intercourse, coexistence, death, negation, being-event, the Other, subject.
1. Abban’yano N. Vvedenie v ekzistentsializm. SPb.: Aletey’ya, 1998. 507 s.
2. Sartr Zh.-P. Bytie i nichto. M.: Respublika, 2000. 639 s.
3. Khaydegger M. Bytie i vremya. M.: Ad Marginem, 1997. 451 s.